

What Is Surrogacy?

A person who consents to carry and give birth to a child on behalf of another is said to be a surrogate. The intended parent or parents receive custody and guardianship of the child once it is born from the birth parent. There are intricate legal and medical requirements for surrogacy. It’s critical to understand the procedure, seek professional guidance, and establish supportive networks.

Who Is Concerned?

The term “surrogate” or “birth parent” refers to the person consenting to carry and deliver a child on behalf of another person. The intended or commissioning parent is the person or couple who will raise the child after it is born.

Before making this life-changing decision, a lot of other people need to be considered, including the surrogate’s partner and children, any additional children of the intended parent(s), and any egg or sperm donors (if any) and their families.

Why Could Surrogacy Be Necessary For Me?

If a woman is unable to become pregnant on her own, surrogacy offers her the chance to become a parent.

Those who may be interested in surrogacy include:
  • Females with uterine issues or who have had their uterus removed
  • Women who may be at risk for pregnancy due to their health issues
  • Homosexual or single woman

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