
What are Fibroids?

Leiomyomas, also known as Uterine Fibroids, are growths made of the connective tissue and muscle of the uterine wall. Usually, these growths are benign. Fibroids are unnatural growths that form in or on the uterus of women. These tumours can occasionally grow extremely large, resulting in excruciating lower abdominal pain and irregular periods. Other times, they have no noticeable effects at all. Usually benign or noncancerous growths. There is no known cause of fibroids.

Prevalence of uterine Fibroids. During the years when a woman is capable of bearing children, up to one in five may have fibroids. By the age of 50, fibroids affect half of all women.

In women under the age of 20, fibroids are uncommon. African Americans are more likely to experience them than White, Hispanic, or Asian women.

Nobody is certain of the actual cause of fibroids. They are believed to be brought on by:

Genes and hormones in the body (may run in families)

Fibroids can be so small that a microscope is required to see them. They have the capacity to get very big. They may weigh several pounds or kilos and may fill the entire uterus.

What Are The Symptoms Of Fibroids?

Pain in the pelvis or lower back, excessive bleeding before or during periods that involves blood clots. Menstruation that lasts longer than normal, pain during intercourse, increased menstrual cramping, pressure or fullness in your lower abdomen during intercourse, abdominal swelling or enlargement.

How Are Fibroids Treated?

DYU will develop a treatment plan based on your age, the size of your fibroids, and your overall health. You may receive a combination of treatments.

Medications to regulate your hormone levels may be prescribed to shrink fibroids. Dietary changes can help as well.

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