Ovarian cysts

What are Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are sacs inside or on the surface of the ovary that are typically filled with fluid. The ovaries are two in females. On either side of the uterus, there is one ovary.The size and form of each ovary are comparable to an almond. In the ovaries, eggs grow and become mature. Throughout the years of childbearing, eggs are released on a monthly cycle.

Obstetrical cysts are typical. You often experience little to no discomfort, and the cysts are not harmful. Within a few months, the majority of cysts disappear with therapy. However, ovarian cysts can occasionally twist or burst open (rupture). Serious symptoms may result from this. Get regular pelvic exams and be aware of the symptoms that could point to a significant issue if you want to safeguard your health.

Get immediate medical help from DYU if you have:

  • Sudden, severe abdominal pain.
  • Pain with fever or vomiting.
  • Signs of shock. These include cold, rapid breathing or weakness.

Who Is Affected By Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts can appear in everyone who has ovaries. Most likely due to:
  • Age: If you haven’t had menopause, ovarian cysts are more prevalent. pregnancy condition. During pregnancy, cysts are more likely to develop and persist.
  • Ovarian cyst history: If you’ve ever had an ovarian cyst, you’re more likely to get one now.
  • Current health issues: You have a higher risk of developing an ovarian cyst if you have endometriosis, experience hormonal imbalances, or use ovulation-inducing drugs like clomiphene.

What Are The Symptoms Of An Ovarian Cyst?

Some tiny cysts go unnoticed. You can be unaware that you have a cyst in these circumstances. Larger cysts could result in:

  • Back discomfort or a dull ache in the pelvis.
  • Bloating or a sense of fullness in your lower belly that may be more noticeable on one side of your body.
  • Pain during sexual activity (dyspareunia).
  • Period cramps.

Long-lasting symptoms could be a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Period irregularities and other hormone-related issues, such as obesity and infertility, are brought on by the disorder PCOS. The inability to lose weight and hirsutism (increased body hair development) are two additional signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

What Is The Cause?

The primary cause of ovarian cysts is ovulation. Additional factors include:

  • Abnormal cell division: Dermoids and cystadenomas are examples of cysts that can develop due to atypical cell proliferation.
  • Endometriosis: In the later stages of endometriosis, these cysts frequently develop on the ovary.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): Cysts can develop in your ovaries as a result of severe pelvic infections.

What Are The Complications?

Cyst that is cancerous: Compared to cysts that occur before menopause, ovarian cysts that arise after menopause are more likely to be carcinogenic.

Ovarian cyst rupture: Functional cysts frequently rupture without manifesting any unfavourable signs. However, a ruptured cyst can occasionally leave your stomach swollen and in excruciating agony. The probability of it shattering increases with its size.

Cysts may become so large that they alter the structure of your ovary, increasing the risk that it will twist. Your ovary could lose blood flow as a result of the twisting and pass away. The symptoms of ovarian torsion include severe discomfort, nausea, and vomiting.

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