Uterine Anomalies

What are Uterine Anomalies ?

Congenital uterine abnormalities are uterine deformities that emerge during embryonic development. Less than 5% of women have congenital uterine anomalies, but up to 25% of women who have miscarried or delivered prematurely have been found to have them. A woman’s uterus forms in her mother’s womb as two distinct halves that join together before she is born. Uterine anomalies are when a woman’s uterus grows differently from typical women.

What Are The Types Of Uterine Anomalies?

Congenital uterine abnormalities can take the following forms:

  • A normal exterior uterine surface called a septate has two endometrial chambers.
  • Bicornuate: two endometrial chambers and an abnormally depressed exterior uterine surface.
  • Arcuate: a typical exterior uterine surface with a depression into the endometrial cavity of no more than one centimetre.
  • Unicornuate: the uterus is only partially formed.
  • Didelphys: the uterus’s two portions continue to be distinct.

What Are The Symptoms Of Uterine Anomalies?

Congenital uterine abnormalities are present at birth, however they typically have no symptoms. Menstrual pain is something that some women may experience. Typically, a woman who has congenital uterine defects won’t have trouble getting pregnant. However, these defects are frequently found through tests for infertility or miscarriage.

How Are Uterine Anomalies Treated?

Congenital uterine abnormalities have no non-surgical therapies. Congenital uterine abnormalities are treated surgically depending on the specific defect and the woman’s reproductive history. Surgical therapy is typically suggested if a septate uterus is discovered during an assessment for infertility and/or pregnancy loss. Rarely do didelphic, unicornuate, or bicornuate uteri need surgery.

Many women who have congenital uterine anomalies don’t experience any health or reproductive issues. Congenital uterine defects may make it more likely for a woman to miscarry or give birth early. A woman’s chances of having a healthy pregnancy will be increased by surgery if she has a septated uterus and has experienced miscarriages.

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