Cosmetology in PCOS

Cosmetology in PCOS

Acne, hirsutism, hair loss, and skin darkening are some of the visually unappealing issues caused by PCOS’ hyperandrogenism (extra male hormone). These cosmetic problems can have serious mental repercussions that affect women psychologically in addition to degrading physical appearance.

In addition to hormone therapy, specific therapies for these aesthetic issues should be considered.

Ovarian Cyst Syndrome Acne Support

A basic hormonal imbalance in the body is indicated by acne. The main source of facial imperfections, acne, necessitates polycystic ovarian syndrome acne treatment. As a result of hormonal imbalance, acne and greasy skin are common among women with PCOS. Women with PCOS experience acne because of too many androgens or masculine hormones. PCOS cystic acne is a severe kind of acne brought on by hormone imbalance, and it typically manifests as large, red, and deep breakouts on your skin. Acne caused by PCOS typically affects “hormonally sensitive” areas, particularly the lower portion of the face. This comprises the chin, upper neck, and cheeks. A diet high in carbohydrates and stress might make this problem worse.

Dealing with acne can be distressing for women suffering PCOS. Together, your gynaecologist and dermatologist should handle this polycystic ovarian syndrome acne issue to manage these issues efficiently.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Acne Treatment

Typically, oral contraceptives, insulin sensitizers, and anti-androgen medications are used to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome acne. To manage this component of PCOS, your doctor will also advise you on the best PCOS acne treatment methods and drugs to use. It’s crucial to manage your testosterone levels and concentrate on reducing inflammation for PCOS acne therapy.

When should a woman seek therapy for polycystic ovarian syndrome acne?

Treatment for PCOS acne is required when any of the following signs are present:
  • Acne/s
  • Hirsutism Unbalanced menstruation, hair growth on your face, chest, or back
  • Weight gain or difficulty decreasing weight
  • Acanthosis nigricans : Reinforcements of dark skin on your neck’s back or other parts of your body

Unwanted hair growth and polycystic ovary syndrome (Hirsutism)

The excessive secretion of male hormones, also known as hirsutism, is the source of the unwelcome hair growth. PCOS patients typically have coarse, darker hair sprouting across their face, chin, neck, chest, back, or limbs. Shaving, waxing, depilatories, and tweezing are procedures for removing extra hair; however, each of them have their own drawbacks and require additional time or effort, which can be quite uncomfortable and lead to mental discomfort for the woman trying to get rid of the extra hair. One of the best methods to prevent hair growth is laser hair reduction.

Hair loss and polycystic ovarian syndrome

Androgenic alopecia is the term for hairline thinning brought on by an excess production of male hormones (androgens), which can cause psychological discomfort in the woman. Women with PCOS frequently have this male-pattern hair loss, but the problem is treatable with the right drugs.

Skin darkening with polycystic ovarian syndrome

The distinctive brown skin discolorations associated with PCOS are known as acanthosis nigricans. It manifests as thickened, velvety patches of dark brown that most frequently form under the breasts, under the armpits, neck and on the inner thighs. The therapy is typically the same even if the discoloration is unrelated to those brought on by the sun. Although skin discoloration is a typical sign of PCOS in females, there are other conditions that can cause skin discoloration, most notably diabetes.

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